About Me

About Me

I hold the position of Managing Editor at the Asian Journal of Social Science. I am also a teaching fellow at the College of Humanities and Sciences at the National University of Singapore. My PhD fieldwork was supported by the visiting fellowship at the Center for Social Studies Surat. I have an MSc in Sociology from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Research Areas
My primary areas of academic interest and expertise include:
  • Informal Economy
  • Labour Migration
  • Precarious Work
  • Working Class Identities
  • Non Movements
Teaching experience
I have received teaching award and teaching fellowship for the following modules. Jacques Ranciere’s book ‘The Ignorant Schoolmaster’ has aided me in teaching.
  • Culture and Society SC2202/AN2202
  • Sociology of Power SC3205
  • Asian Interconnections HSA1000
Books I am currently reading
Braverman, H., 1974. Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century. New York: Monthly Review Press.
de Haas, H., 2023. How Migration Really Works: The Facts about the Most Divisive Issue in Politics. First US edition. New York: Basic Books.
Ness, I., 2023. Migration as Economic Imperialism: How International Labour Mobility Undermines Economic Development in Poor Countries. Cambridge, UK; Hoboken, NJ: Polity Press.
Battistini, M., Cappuccilli, E. and Ricciardi, M., 2022. Global Marx: History and Critique of the Social Movement in the World Market. In: Global Marx. Brill.
Tadiar, N.X.M., 2022. Remaindered Life. Duke University Press.