

Journal Articles
  • Tripathy, S., 2024. Weaver to Precarity Capitalism: Ethnographic understanding of Contemporary Surat through the experiences of Odia Labor Migrants. Forthcoming.
Under Review
  • Affective Politics in Precarious Work: Workers (Dis)organization in Informal Powerloom Shopfloors.
  • "I am a Worker and not Farmer": Personhood, Agrarian Social Relations and the Semi Proletariat.
  • Precarious Sensibilities: What does Vulnerability do to Meaning Making?
Book Chapters
  • Tripathy, S., 2023. Mainstream Populism Versus Grassroot Populism. In: J. Chacko Chennattuserry, M. Deshpande, and P. Hong, eds. Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century. Springer. Available at:
Book Reviews
Peer Reviewed Short Pieces
Working Papers
  • Tripathy, S., 2023. Migrant's Surat: Many Surats and the Only Surat. Working Paper. Centre for Social Studies, Surat.